Famous For

For over 30 years Beaumont has been recognised as the favoured choice by Publicans for Spirit Measures.

From our collaborations with our distributors and Point of Sale representatives Beaumont has become the number one manufacturer in the world.

From the local pub or hotel to the multinational chain, if there’s a Spirit Measure it will most probably be from Beaumont!

Obviously, we don’t want to give away all of our trade secrets but we are happy to let you know that the quality, longevity and accuracy of our Spirit Measures is no accident; our industry knowledge, together with the use of the highest quality materials and proven manufacturing techniques, ensures that we maintain the edge over every other manufacturer.

Things you may not know:

We test every measure before it leaves the factory, ensuring that each one meets the highest possible standard

We use a secret component in every measure that ensures a smooth dispense action and increases the longevity of the product.


Beaumont is the only company approved by the NSAI for the verification of Spirit Measures for use in Southern Ireland

Every measure comes with a one year guarantee

Beaumont is ISO 9008

For more information about buying branded measures please get in touch

I always use TD105-30s in my bar

Robyn Closson- Flaming Saddles, West Hollywood

Beaumont is our most reliable supplier

Darren Fendo- Jag Supplies

Great guys all with a great work ethic! Love dealing with Beaumont

Adam - Payne Bros

The Metrix SL Spirit Measures are more hygienic and do not leak


NSAI_LMS_Authorised Verifier
Beaumont TM Ltd Paperpack Cert - small
NSAI_LMS_Authorised Verifier
Beaumont TM Ltd Paperpack Cert - small

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