17 awesome flair pours with our new Grail jigger

When we let The Grail loose into the world of talented bartenders we knew they were going to have some fun with this new and uniquely shaped jigger. What we didn’t know is that we would get so many new flair bartending moves, so quickly – 17 to be precise!

Yes, that awesome UK bartender Tom Dyer has done just that, coming up with 17 different flair bartending moves with the Grail jigger. If there is one thing that helps flair bartenders stand out online or in competitions it is originality. If there is one thing the Grail jigger can definitely deliver on, it is originality.

We have paid special attention to every aspect of The Grail during the design process, from the way it sits in your hand to the materials used to make it to ensure it keeps looking its beautiful best from the first use through to the 100th, and beyond. The inside of the jigger is etched with 5 ml markings starting from 10 ml up to 50 ml.

As you will be able to see in the below video from Mr Dyer, the interesting shape of The Grail allows for heaps of creativity when it comes to finding new ways to use it in a flair bartending or craft flair setting. We would love to see what you’ve got when it comes to the Grail jigger, send your submissions in to our Instagram @Beaumonttm_Barware

Now, without further adieu – here are the 17 awesome flair moves from Tom Dyer:


–Find out who is selling The Grail jigger nearest to you–

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